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© 2023 Cantina Mezzacorona. Sensible wine tasting.


From the land to the bottle, sustainability is our vocation
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Since 1980s there's been constant and effective commitment to the integration between agriculture and nature

Day after day we tend to our vineyards with our own hands; every year we dedicate 600 hours of work and love to each acre. Combining the skillful farming tradition of our winegrowing members with the innovative and efficient techniques of our team of agronomists, we are engaged in the protection and reconstruction of the natural harmony between man and nature on a daily basis.

Sustainability Manifesto
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Sustainability Manifesto
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A sustainable quality supply chain
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A sustainable quality supply chain
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Cittadella del Vino (Citadel of wine)
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Cittadella del Vino (Citadel of wine)
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SQNPI certification
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SQNPI certification
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Wine In Moderation
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Wine In Moderation
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Our certifications

AEO Operatore Economico Autorizzata - from 2008
BRC Global Standard for Food Safety British Retail Consortium - from 2012
DLG GM Wine - from 2011
Equalitas - Modulo Organizzazione Sostenibile - from 2020
IFS International Food Standards - from 2012
Operatore Biologico relativa alla produzione biologica e all'architettura dei prodotti biologici - from 2015
Sostain - from 2022
SQNPI Sistema di qualità nazionale di produzione integrata - vineyards from 2016, wines from 2017 
Viva La sostenibilità della Vitivinicoltura in Italia - from 2022