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Dark chocolate muffins with cherries
Try it with :
NOS , Selections

Dark chocolate muffins with cherries

Try it with :
NOS , Selections


100g dark chocolate
50g butter
70g flour 00
1 egg½ teaspoon of baking powder for desserts
80g sugar
12 cherries
1 teaspoon of vanilla-flavoured

For the cherry sauce:
1 glass of red wine
½ teaspoon of cornstarch1
5 cherries
Muffins are a classic soft and tasty American and English sweet. They can be sweet or savoury, and enriched with the ingredients you prefer.


Firstly, wash 12 cherries, dry them and remove the stems. Then, cut them in half in the widest sense (if you prefer you can use gloves), separate the two halves, and remove the pit. Sift flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt. Take care of flour the pieces of cherry to prevent them to lie down at the bottom of your muffin. Melt the chopped chocolate in a double boiler along with 40g of butter.
In a bowl, beat the egg with the vanilla sugar and 80g of sugar. Add the melted chocolate and flour, and mix the ingredients well. At this point, add the floury cherries and stir gently, trying not to break them.Pour the mixture into 4 buttered and floured muffin molds, until half the height. Bake the muffins at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes.
Meanwhile, dissolve the cornstarch in the Port, add the remaining cherries (washed but with stalks) and cook everything in a saucepan over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring often with a wooden spoon.Once baked, let the muffins cool and serve them  with the cherry sauce at room temperature.

Instead of fresh cherries, you can use the sauce to cherries or cherries in syrup.
Accompany with an excellent glass of our NOS
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